Icewerx Lighting’s LED lighting products are the sharpest, most durable, and emit the truest form of light available (2,700k to 10,000k) Our product is designed to withstand extreme temperatures ranging from – 50oC up to +50oC. Complete water seal protection and a host of technology employed in each light means the electronics will run for years without being interrupted in any way.

Icewerx’s staff are highly knowledgeable on the various types of lighting available in the market, it’s ideal usages, and how to calculate what your company requires in terms of upgrading. We want to meet or exceed any current lighting conditions being replaced; therefore the ability to calculate lighting distances, heights, foot candle requirements, and lumens is key in determining what LED product is right for you.

Icewerx’s High Bay Lights, Street Lights and Flood Lights are a cool running, directional product which minimizes light pollution, UV radiation and Heat dissipation. Our LED products create no “hot-spots” and evenly distribute powerful crisp light.

Halogen or Sodium lights are an older form of lighting which have been used for decades. This has become the norm in lighting across North America and there is a very large shift to LED. Not only are LED’s better in every way, they use significantly less power than their counterparts and last much longer…saving you money.